Building a Subscription Business
A Roundtable Discussion with DCN and Piano
Thursday, June 13 12PM-2:30PM
at One World Trade Center, 285 Fulton St, NYC
Converting visitors into subscribers isn't always easy – yet in a modern media landscape it's become increasingly vital to success.
You have been selected to join DCN and Piano for lunch and an intimate roundtable discussion crafted to highlight new research on turning readers into subscribers. During this session, Piano will present insights from its proprietary benchmark research, based on billions of monthly user interactions across more than 1,000 media websites.
Join us for this unique opportunity to hear Piano's latest research and how premium publishers are working with today’s ever-changing dynamics in subscription business.
You have been selected to join DCN and Piano for lunch and an intimate roundtable discussion crafted to highlight new research on turning readers into subscribers. During this session, Piano will present insights from its proprietary benchmark research, based on billions of monthly user interactions across more than 1,000 media websites.
Join us for this unique opportunity to hear Piano's latest research and how premium publishers are working with today’s ever-changing dynamics in subscription business.
Hosted By
Piano enables media companies and content marketers to easily orchestrate, measure and optimize the entire customer experience — to drive revenue and automate results. The company's award-winning, high-performance platform includes a subscription commerce engine (Piano VX), a customer experience toolkit (Piano Composer), a user management system (Piano ID), and an intelligent email personalization and content recommendations tool (Piano ESP) that serve media businesses across digital platforms. Every month Piano powers more than 200,000 digital media subscriptions and customizes the user experience for billions of site visits. Piano clients include Business Insider, Bloomberg, Oath, Gatehouse Media, The Economist, Hearst, Bonnier, Digiday, Postmedia Network, Condé Nast, Grupo Abril, Funke Mediengruppe, The Ladders, Stitcher, and over 1,300 other media brands.
Noon- 12:45 pm
Arrival, lunch and networking at One World Trade
(please allow extra time for security process)
12:45 pm-1:15 pm
12:45 pm-1:15 pm
Research Presentation: “How Do Subscriptions Actually Work?”
Presented by Michael Silberman, SVP of Strategy, Piano
1:15- 1:25 pm
1:15- 1:25 pm
1:25 pm-2:30 pm
1:25 pm-2:30 pm
Roundtable Discussion
led by Michael Silberman, SVP of Strategy, Piano
Jason Kint, CEO, Digital Content Next