Full Name
Esther Wojcicki
Job Title
How to Raise Successful People
Speaker Bio
Esther Wojcicki is the best-selling author of How to Raise Successful People (May, 2019). With this book, her primary focus is to help parents, teachers and executives be more effective. An internationally known educator and founder of the largest scholastic media program in the US at Palo Alto High, Esther advises multiple ed tech startups in Silicon Valley. She is the Chair of PBS Learning Matters, former board chair of Creative Commons and is currently on the boards of the Freedom Forum, the Newseum (RIP) and the Alliance for Excellent Education. She is the founder of the Journalistic Learning Initiative at the University of Oregon and the founder and CEO of GlobalMoonshots.org. Esther was awarded the 2011 Columbia University Charles O’Malley Award for Excellence in Teaching, was a 2009 MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow, and 2002 California Teacher of the Year. She holds three honorary doctorates and is the author of Moonshots in Education (2014).